Maharashtra Nature Park
Park, Knowledge Centre, Pedestrian Bridge
1,50,000 Sq. m
Project Team:
May 2016
Pranita Shetty, Shail Joshi
The project attempts to conserve the forest like environment of Mahim Nature Park and transform it into significant public space for the citizens. The two sides of the Mithi River are still not well connected by pedestrian and bicycle linkages. Here we propose a pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge across the river, that connects both sides of the river and also connects the park to the BKC side. The programs of the knowledge centre sit along the edge of the park as pavilions nestled inside the foliage. The street edge, which is a blank wall currently, is developed as a public promenade housing the programs of the proposed knowledge centre. The edge shared with the informal settlement houses community amenities, sanitation and waste infrastructure. The edge facing the Mithi River is designed as a promenade with soft edges towards the river.