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Shauchalay Social

Copyright © 2014 MAD(E) IN MUMBAI, All rights reserved.





Community Toilets, Amphitheatre, Vachnalay





200 Sq. m

Competition, MCGM



Project Team:    

March Jan 2016

Shwetank Maheshwari

Shuachalaya social is an attempt to imagine public toilets in slum communities as landmark of civic amenities. It’s a marker, a landmark where civic infrastructure is easily accessible. The architecture of the public toilets take form of a landmark that can be easily identified in the slum fabric as a public building due to its iconic imagery. The architecture is imagined as humble, modest, efficient and sturdy to withstand the load of intense usage. The material palate is also conceptualized to withstand frequent wear and tear and be maintenance free. The architecture is conceptualized to enable good natural light and natural wind so that the place is always breathing.


The building is designed as a section, where ground plane lifts itself over the toilet block to form an amphitheatre. On the other side the street enters the building to carve a niche for a public vachanalay. Through the amphitheatre and the vachanalay the building marries itself with the city and the community. We imagine the building as a screen, where porous surfaces allow the building to breathe with natural light and wind. Different configurations of brick courses are designed to accommodate various shades of privacy and natural light.

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